Christina Lafferty-Neal Counseling.png

Life is too freaking short to be anyone but yourself.

Therapy for anxiety and trauma in Nashville, TN


Playing roles instead of living life?

Think of the roles that you play every day. A dedicated employee, fun and loyal friend, nurturing family member, loving partner, a creative multi-tasking genius.

You’re the one who keeps the peace so that everyone else can stay comfortable. This unwavering loyalty to who others need you to be has left you dedicating most of your energy toward obligations and circumstances that are just, kind of… meh.

Doing life on other people’s terms hasn’t led to the full life you imagined.

Instead you feel stressed out, anxious. Exhausted and lonely.

The script you’ve been following does not match up with the story that you want your life to tell – the story only you can tell.


There’s got to be more to life than this.

You know things need to change, but how?

What would happen if you dropped the script completely and asked yourself what YOU want most from your life? What if your obligation was to take care of yourself first?

Here’s the weird thing: when we commit our energy to leaning into who we really are, our relationships benefit from the calm and confident person we become as a result.


Our courage to live our truth becomes contagious.

So, what do you really want? How do you want to feel? I have wrestled with these painful questions myself. I get it.


Hi, I’m Christina.

I don't believe that your past determines your future. My focus is to challenge your inner critic and help you give a voice to your wonderfully messy, powerful, wise, interior life.

I help clients find the courage to live their life with boldness and joy. Most people wait for change to happen as life goes on without them.

You're not most people.


Ways I Can Help

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy



EMDR for Trauma

EMDR for Trauma